
Shanell made a comment in the previous post about the services I provide in bringing only the best contents of the web to this site. It occured to me that I've never posted my most FAVORITE YouTube clip of all time. I will do that now. Your welcome.

And yes, apparantly I am a 39 year old woman with the mind of an 11 year old boy, because that is THE FUNNIEST clip EVER no matter how many times I've watched it.


Muga said...

I should never eat while reading your blog - I now have to pick the grapes out of my key board. That was FUNNY.

auburn and chris said...

I am totally crying still over the last video! Does everyone cry when they watch that?? Or just me... the super emotional... prego or not prego.... girl that I am!

chelseahall said...

that is hilarious!!! I shouldn't admit this in writing, but for some reason my brother comes to mind!!! hehehe :-)

Lana M. said...


I was TOTALLY bawling when I watched the Lion video too! OH CRAP....Does this mean I prego as well? 'Cause I AM NOT an emotional person.

Karen said...

And now I want to kiss you! My daughters and I have watched that video so many times and sent it to everyone we know. And it makes me laugh EVERY TIME!

auburn and chris said...

glad I am not alone.

Remember... I want to help JAZZ up your new house! I LOVE doing that... and yours... would be extra fun. And lets plan a time to go take some pics- new school year... new pics... hello!

Crewton said...

Ok, you are right, that is one of the funnies clips I have EVER seen. Sheldon will LOVE this. He will probably want to put it on our desktop.

Nikki said...

That was hilarious!! And yes, I was trying really hard not to cry on the lion one, and I'm definitely not preggo!

P.S. Have you been read the 'Seriously So Blessed' blog...www.seriouslysoblessed.blogspot.com - it's fabulous!!