Thanks Megan for tagging me!
Here it goes:
i am: totally happy with my lot in life!
i want: other people/kids to treat my children nicely.
i have: a tiny mole/skin tag whatever the heck you want to call
it, on the underside of my chin. It keeps growing. About a week ago I thought maybe I would see about getting it taken care of, but then a few mornings ago when I woke up, suddenly it was gone! Well most of it. Now I worry what's going to happen to me.
i wish: I could help everyone, but I know that is not the answer to life's problems.
i hate: that almost EVERY SUNDAY night there is no Law & Order on so I usually end up having to watch some "boy movie" and it never fails that it usually is ones with either Steven Segal or Jean Claude Van Dam. Every. Single. Week. (Oh, and don't say something "profound" like, Why don't you guys just put in a movie? or Why don't you just watch one of the GaZillion episodes of L&O that you have saved on your DVR? Because that would make sense and sometimes you just go with the things the Universe throws out there and Sunday Night Bad TV is one of them)
i miss: the body I had at 20, but didn't realize that I had it.
i fear: furry rodents.
i feel: like I hit the "LIFE" jackpot!
i smell: me. And let me tell you, its not too pretty.
i crave: The Pink Lemonade Pie I made last night! It's been about a week since I've had any!
i wonder: How they come up with the names of things. Like "milk" or "pillow." You know, just everday things.
i regret: I say "regrets do no one any good" But truth be told, I have a list a mile long, and this post box isn't big enough for all of them. So I'll just say, Regrets do no one any good!
i love: Denny Crane.
i care: About what my children will think of me in 20 years.
i always: carry my keys dangling from my front pocket. Keys tucked inside, Eiffle Tower & LA Fitness keyfob on outside of pocket. Always. If I don't, I spend the next hour trying to locate where I put them. I am definatly my father's daughter regarding all things absent-minded.
i am not: a follower or a leader. I am just me doin' my own thing.
i believe: in say what you mean, mean what you say, but try not to say it mean.
i dance: like Elaine on Seinfeld.
i sing: like nobody's the car. Otherwise, not so much. But in my mind, I am a Big, Black, Soulful Woman who can rock the joint!
i don't always: spend my time wisely. (Example: the pimping of this Tagged! post)
i fight: with myself internally non-stop about certain situations.
i write: the songs that make the whole world sing. I write the songs of love and sp-eeee-eee-cial things.
i lose: my patience rather quickly, especially during that "oh so special" time of the month.
i win: at BINGO on cruises! Oh wait, maybe not. Maybe I just THINK i win and yell out BINGO randomly.
i never: play the lottery. Ever heard the name Jack Whittaker? No thank you.
i listen: to all kinds of music and love it all! (Except jazz & blues)
i am scared: to verbalize what I'm scared of for fear that it will ACTUALLY happen!
i need: to pee. Thank goodness I'm almost at the end of this.
i am happy about:
No, not the cute little doormat that I got last week at Target for $13.88 on clearance. But I am happy about all the dead little crickets surrounding it! That means when the bug guy was hear a couple of days ago, he had the "real" stuff in his sprayer and not just water like I'm convinced they try to use most of the time!
Pink Lemonade Pie?? You wanna share that recipe sometime, it sounds yummy!
Love your tag/confessions, thank you for sharing. I won't try to be profound about Sunday night TV, I understand there are things out there we have no control over.
You are the coolest!!
so glad you are back! and I am sorry I never had the guts to post! I wanted too.... but felt lame!!! maybe during your next hiatus....
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