Since I have no memory, and this IS my blog, I like to use it to remember things I would otherwise forget within moments of it happening.
Like conversations I have with my kids.
Some of them are hillarious.
Like the time I overheard Dominic & Doug talking about school cafeteria food (specifically, meatloaf). I had to go write it down verbatim so I wouldn't forget the details. To this day, that conversation ranks at the top of my "Best Conversations of ALL TIME" lists. Too. Funny.
Anyways...I digress.
Sunday morning I met up with Dominic for breakfast.
He recently went and had a "Prospective Student" visit with the college he is interested in attending.
He was telling me all about it and the things he did while he was there.
But a few of the "Bullet Points" for that conversation are these:
- EVERYONE in college is "bi".
- Because of the above, he thinks while attending college, you should be given a colored wristband so that you know who you can safely "flirt with" so as not to get yourself into a "awkward" situation, or offend someone.
- EVERYONE has facial hair. So he was contemplating how he would work this. He doesn't like sideburns, and he's not really feeling the "billy goat goatee". One of the guys that had one, was eating soup, and apparantly not all the soup ended up in his mouth. The goatee worked as kind of a catch all for his meals. So he's still trying to figure out how to work this in. Any ideas?
- EVERYONE is a protester.
All in all, it sounds like he had a good time. He is looking VERY forward to starting this next chapter of his life.
It should make for some VERY good conversations.