You know, 'cause were sophisticated like that.
Contestant #1
Contestant #2
Contestant #3
Ummm...okay, I know that Contestant #3 looks a do I say this?
He's not.
He's just new at these "contests".
Wait. No he's not.
He was the creator of them.
I have no explanation.
This is absolutely HILARIOUS!!!! Boy do I love your family... and I think I would fit right in. I have self diagnosed with A.D.D. so I know these types of games would come in handy for me. Now if I only knew the appropriate times to use them. My luck it wouldn't go over so well!!!
I vote for number two. How does she do that?!
I vote number three - it's not cross-eyed, but it's definitely cross-wires in there somewhere!
Now, I'm a little disappointed that when we went out to dinner with you there was no contest involved! I could have won hands down! Dale is concerned that my cross-eyed, eye-rollings, whatever you want to call it is going to be permanent someday. I put my vote for #1
Did you REALLY need to post these?
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