
Ok, I'll be the first!

This is U.K. Yankee, aka Ax, aka Annike, one of Lana's e-friends. I love this blog, and I hope Lana comes back soon! In the meantime, I thought I'd take her up on her general invitation to guest blog...

I absolutely adore my blog; I've said before it's my substitute baby for the moment! I tried very hard to be a playwright in college - not sure what the ending to that story is going to be - but my blog gives me a chance to get stuff off my chest when I'm feeling particularly witty or clever...nevermind how un-witty or non-clever it turns out sometimes! I've poached ideas off of my friends and family for fun gadgets and gizmos to post, and I put up my favorite songs and favorite pictures I've taken. Since we found out we're moving to Sydney, I've tried to post a new poll each week about Australian slang, and I've even got a visitor counter to see who loves me and where they are!

Through my blog, I've met and been able to stay in touch with so many truly awesome people - like Lana! She is my cousin's husband's aunt, and there is no way we would have got in touch had she not found my blog through my cousin's blog. I've also met a very sweet woman named Carrie, who is an American living in Sydney, who found my blog while doing a Google search for another cousin. I've re-connected with an old childhood friend, two college roommates who I'd completely lost touch with, become better friends with several of my cousins and their spouses/future spouses, and stayed in touch with tons of friends from college. I've also been able to feel like I'm still a part of the events in my mom's and siblings's lives, even though we're so far apart now.

Living in England, and not having gobs of money for phone calls and plane fares, this is my way of staying in touch with people who matter to me. It's also my way of making new friends and sharing common interests. So while it may seem silly to some to count people as friends before you've met in person or when you haven't seen them in years, they keep me connected to things past and familiar, and help me get excited about things in the future that are sometimes pretty scary.

Thinking about all this, I'm so grateful for our cyber-community and the way the world is so small nowadays! I know there are plenty of people skeptical about putting your life out there on view for everyone, but personally, I think it's great. I love seeing what adventures my nieces and nephews get up to, how my college friends are handling the transition to real life and marriage and families, and feeling like I'm not out of their lives because I'm so far away.

In the spirit of sharing, and in keeping with the idea of globalism and multiculturalism (and for the rest of you who like a good laugh), I will end now with a favorite YouTube video for everyone's enjoyment...This is Peter Kay, one of my favorite British comedians, and possibly just as funny, if not more so, than the Python boys. Here is a commerical he did for John Smith beer, which always makes me giggle! (Hopefully everyone can understand him with his accent, if not, leave a note in the comments and I'll come back and translate.)


P.S. Come back soon, Lana!


Muga said...

So what is the name of your site?

Nikki said...

Oops, forgot that - sorry! It's www.ukyankinoz.blogspot.com. Or you can click on 'A Great Adventure' under Lana's favorite blogs.