
Thursday 13

I like the Thursday 13 feature that I see on some of the blogs I visit. So I will be doing it as well. This first one is actually stolen property from annoyed-partyofone.com. But I loved it, so there! Thanks Jennifer!

13 Quotes from my favorite TV couple - Frank & Marie

1. Marie Barone: I don’t lose things, Frank. I’m organized.
Frank Barone: Not organized, insane! She’s got a shoebox labeled pieces of string too small to use.

2. Frank Barone: I could have eaten a box of Alpha-Bits and crapped a better interview!

3. Marie Barone: He hates it when I cry. It reminds him of our wedding night.

4. Marie Barone: Your father, his idea of culture is an undershirt with sleeves.

5. Frank Barone: Holy crap!

6. Frank Barone: What in the holy name of crap are you talking about?

7. Marie Barone: I have my own opinions. I’m not just some trophy wife.
Frank Barone: Trophy wife? What contest in hell did I win?

8. Marie Barone: We haven’t had a conversation for 35 years.
Frank Barone: I didn’t want to interrupt!

9. Frank Barone: Maybe that’s why I like animals. Woof. Moo. Quack. They tell it like it is.

10. Marie Barone: Who keeps pornography for twenty-nine years?
Frank Barone: Anyone married to you.

11. Marie Barone: You’ve read the Bible, Frank?
Frank Barone: I’ve read plenty of damn bibles!

12. Marie Barone: Well I think it’s sad when people start having surgery to make themselves bigger.
Frank Barone: Marie did it the natural way. Pound cake!

13. Frank Barone: What kind of an idiot would spend $80 for a canoe ride?
Marie Barone: Some people think a canoe ride can be romantic.
Frank Barone: I take it, you never saw “Deliverance”.


Shanell said...

I never got into that show but those were some pretty funny lines. Love the new layout, I can't wait to come and see your "upgrades" {walls and pictures}

Sharpie said...

Number 7 is MY FAVORITEEEEEE - OMG Hubby and I say that ALL THE TIME!!! Hilarious!