
I guess Martha Stewart is okay afterall

I have never been a follower of Martha. I just am not a fan of snooty, holier-than-thou type, rich white women, and that is how she comes across to me. Well, I have had a conversion of sorts. You see, I subscribed to a magazine that I LOVED called Blueprint. Well, I got a postcard the other day saying it was no longer being published, *tear*, and that they would be sending Martha Stewart Living to honor the remainder of my subscription. I was not thrilled with this news. I finally had a chance to sit down and flip thru it a bit, and I kind of like it. But I'm drawing the line with the magazine, I just KNOW I would not be able to tolerate watching or listening to her.

1 comment:

Shanell said...

I don't care for pre-jail Martha too much. The post-Jail Martha is much better. You should give her a chance. Savannah would watch her everyday last year when she got her hair combed for kindergarten. It was her choice of show and she would always pick Martha. She once asked if she could go to the Martha Stewart Show.