
When I got on this morning, Paris is there to greet me on my homepage, People.com. (I'm sad & pathetic...I know this already.) Anyhoodle...I LOVE her hair. Then I got thinking, um...I wonder if THAT hair would look good on me? I took ablout 7 inches off a couple months back, but it still looks the same. I don't like anything that looks to fussy or high maintenance. I have to have bangs to cover the roadmap on my forehead, and this style looks like it does that. I don't know, what do you think? Would that cut & style look good on me? Or am I smokin' crack again.


auburn and chris said...

um.. LOVE her hair. I think you could totally rock that 'Do! Bill already says you are a "Hottie" so maybe this one will make you a "Smokin' Hottie"

Shanell said...

I think you could pull it off too. And, it doesn't look like that much work. What's the worst that could happen, you don't like it, Chelsea fixes it and it's a little shorter than you wanted for a few months?