With the writer's strike (BOO!!) and there being nothing on TV, we dicided to try something we hadn't seen. So we got into Lost. We blew threw the first 2 seasons, but have had trouble finding time for the 3rd, it's taken us about a month! Yesterday morning we got all our chores & errands done fairly early, so at about 4:00 we parked ourselves on the couch and watched Lost for the rest of the night. Oh my Gosh...It is SO good! And I think we will probably get to finish it up today, YEAH!!!
Yes! The writers strike is completely dumb, but they say it's supposed to be over real soon, hopefully this week. I'm going to have to borrow LOST from you because I've missed so many eopisodes. I can't watch it and deal with the kids out of the room a hundred times before they go to sleep. SO, Lost will have to be on my "to rent from AL list"
Lana, the ticker isn't working! I have been trying to get it on my blog for 20 min and I am mad. When you sent me the link, I got side tracked with the funny T's. Thanks for the link though, I have always wondered where people got them from. Oh, here is my e-mail. jlclouse@gmail.com I will try the tick thing later. Thanks, I knew your lap top time would come in handy. Tell Bill it's not a waste of time!
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