
I love to read. However, I tend to go in spurts, I'll read countless books every waking moment for a couple of months, then nothing at all for a few months. Anyways, I've kind of been in the mood to read again, so I was going to go to B&N to find something good. Then I remembered that I still have a couple of books on my nightstand that I just can't seem to finish, one of them is the Time Traveler's Wife. I know it is probably good because they are making a movie of it, plus I've read lots of good reviews on it. Do I give it one more try or do I move on to another? Also, does anyone have any recommendations for me?

Sidenote: I NEED David Sedaris to come out with something new! I LOVE him, but I have read his books so many times they are falling apart.

UPDATE: Just got super excited. There will be something new coming out in June.

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