
I was just sitting here thinking, and I'm curious about something. I want to know what websites people go to. I'll tell you mine....but you have to tell me yours. I want your "have to go to first thing" types (Top 10).

DISCLAIMER: Now, some of these I'm not particularly proud of, but the first step is admitting you have a problem, and these are mine. Don't judge me.

1. CNN
2. AZ Central
3. People
4. US Weekly
5. Pop Sugar
6. Just Jared
7. D Listed
8. TMZ
9. Crazy Days and Nights
10. Go Fug Yourself

Now tell me yours.


each of the two said...

email (all 4), Reader, MSN, Perez, Celebrity baby blog, GO fug, Crazy days and NIghts, Jezebel, Anthropologie (you dont know they MIGHT have something new...)and TMZ

OH, and Get some Chuck Klosterman, he is great (and i love sedaris if that helps...)

piggygirl said...

mine are disney yahoo gmail blogspot harcourt mileyworld webkinz millberry and i cant think of anywhere else

Courtney said...

Yahoo, my blog site (so I can look at mine and other people's), Old Navy, and Webkinz (it is a kids website to take care of animals and since Carina has abandoned her animals I have found some fun doing it).

Crewton said...

At least your top are news, but CNN, we need to have a little chat about that one:) Mine are, Land of Nod, Babies R' Us, Banana Republic, My blog, everyone else's blog, Gap, Old Navy, You Tube, and all the others on my blog. Love Ya

Denise said...

Okay, get ready to yawn! #1 is Drudge report, then lucianne, has to be in that order, fox news. e-mail, blogs, national review and then cnn. Then I can surf wherever. But I HAVE to start with Drudge. What does that say about me? I really wonder. But I love the news.

Nikki said...

Hey, this is Julie's cousin Annike - I post the blog with all the rugby commentary and the fun pictures! Just got your comment - I'm glad you enjoy it! I've been reading your blog, and I had to comment on this post...I was almost embarrassed to, cause one of my top sites is Perez Hilton - I'm addicted to celebrity gossip! Apart from that, my 2 email accounts, and then Facebook (I'm addicted to that too!) Oh dear, what does this say about me??

Lana M. said...


Okay, I must confess. The first time I posted this list, #5 actually said Perez Hilton instead of Pop Sugar. I was SO embarrassed that I went back and changed it to something a little less bad. But hey, you know what? I am who I am, which is a work in progress. If I was perfect I'd be done.

As I say, love me or leave me. It's YOUR choice.