

The makeover has taken place.

This is who I used for inspiration. Muffin, My Baby, The BEST most sweetest dog ever put on the earth.

BEFORE: Brutus/Ruffus (Really, the photo does not portray the extreme hideousnous. I wasn't able to "capture" the matts or all the dingle-berries!

AFTER: Again...NOT perfect, but at least he can see now!

But alas...there is only so much a pair of sciccors can do. The dog is STILL retarded. Tomorrow I shall check out my Lobotomy giving skills!


Denise said...

Glad to see you reconsidered! Next time the dogs are coming to your house. The groomer won't let me do what I want anyway!!! :)

Shanell said...

Yay, that groomer had way to high of opinion of herself. But the dog looks darling, and love the H/c.