
How was your weekend?

Because mine was Fab-U-Lous!

Sit down, because your going to be JEALOUS!
  • We had a Tie-Dye-Palooza!

  • Went to Wal-Mart to get some movies & treats for Movie Night and overheard some pretty priceless WM employee conversations.

  • Watched Sydney White & The 7 Dorks. LOVED it!

  • We went to a Cheer meeting where we found out that Emmy made the "Blazzin' Hotties" squad! Yea, Em!
(FYI: Googling "Blazzin' Hotties" image for blog...NOT A GOOD IDEA! Hence the reason there is NO IMAGE here)

  • Took Holly to Ulta for a BM Tutorial/Makeover. (For the Record: She does NOT NEED MAKE-UP, this was solely for her and if SHE wanted to wear it on occasion.)

  • Did a DT run at In-N-Out and got some fries!

  • Went to Dinner with Dale & Shanell
Despite appearances, there was NO ALCOHOL involved in the making of this photo!


Denise said...

You always make me chuckle!!

Unknown said...

Tie-dye-palooza without me? Jealous.... Glad you had fun, I also loved Sydney White! Nothing better that a super cheesy movie filled with bad wigs!!!


Shanell said...

I haven't stopped thinking about tie=dye since we talked about it at dinner. I wan't to dye something for the girls.
nEvER heard of Sydney White! What on earth is Amanda Bynes doin? I might just have to borrow that and SW2.
Dinner was awesome. That is a great picture of us, if I do say so myself. Send me a copy! Thanks. T-8 days until Girl's Camp, the girls can't wait! And neither can I! Maybe I'll get some sleep up there, but then, maybe I won't.