
Happy Father's Day!

or in the case of this hastily made card by Emmy....

Happy "FARTER'S" Day!

Either way, it works!


Shanell said...

What a great way to wake up! Love it!
BTW-Maybe you should do a recipe blog. You think you don't have any great ideas, but those were both good. I haven't done the yogurt one, but I am going to try it. Thanks!

chelseahall said...

Ya, I checked shanell's blog and saw various comments from yours truly. (you). I said to my self "Self, why is Lana commenting on Shanell's blog when she is on a break?" So I blog jumped as fast as my little white apple can take me to your blog where the best little treat awaited me!!! Yout BAAAAaaaack! Yeah. THen I also realized hey, I don't even have a blog and I comment. so, I guess I am the one in trouble here!!!

Karen said...

This truly made me LOL!

And I have to tell you I got my migi nail art pens today! They are fabulous! And I'd never have heard of them if it weren't for this
So thank you! And I resisted the urge to open them with my teeth.