
My New Calling in Life: Dog Groomer

When the header photo above was taken, it was kind of spur of the moment. It was around Christmas/New Year's and the dogs hadn't been to the groomers, etc. But it didn't matter, because they are ALWAYS beautiful to me. (ahhhh...Crazy Dog Lady here)

Well, that photo is now a 2'x6' canvas on my wall, and I realized just how mangy they were, so I started cutting their hair at home.

Now the back story here is that I have been PERMANENTLY BANNED from any type of hair cutting device, or from cutting any living creature weather they are human or animal. Back in the day, we were way, way poor. SO in order to try and save money I would give the boys haircuts at home. I was so bad, that Austin's nickname became "Patches" because that is what his head was after a sit down with me. Finally Bill put his foot down and said no more. From then on we would "save up" for the $8.00 child's special at SuperCuts.

So fast forward to now, and I am back to giving haircuts. But here's the thing, each time I do it I get better and better. But I think Bill just associates it with the time period from before which was just awful. Well I told him yesterday, that I have found my new calling in life.

Dog Groomer.

Yep. I'm serious, I enjoy it SO much that I SERIOUSLY am thinking of maybe going to Dog Grooming Cosmetology School. You should have seen me doing Brutus/Ruffus. He just sat on my lap the whole time and when I did his little face, he just closed his eyes and was so patient. Now granted, I am only able to offer one type of cut, which Bill is calling the "Summer Special" (the equivalent of a boy's buzz-cut done on the back porch)

But hey, ya gotta start somewhere right?

Oh, and by the way, the other day I gave Austin a hair-cut too, and it looked EXACTLY like I had taken him to the usual barber they go to!

So Ha!

(Chelsea, if you are reading this then I know at this point you are probably REALLY nervous about your standing as my Hair Stylist. For now, you are safe and so is my hair. My confidence has not yet reached the levels where I feel I can do MY own hair-cuts. But beware, if I keep at this pace, it's only a matter of time.)


auburn and chris said...

ok seriously, you are so funny... do you know that?! I was about to email why I was not on your invite list... until I checked today and your blog was back. So glad it is back.... so glad I can look at it. Seriously... hilarious. never a dull moment or post.

are you in the new house yet? I am anxious to see pics of this magenta dining room.

oh.... AND.... the husbands new site... looks awesome. I meant to email him and tell him it rocks. pass that along for me.

chelseahall said...

Yeah!! the blog is back.. I was going through MAJOR withdrawals. So, I am worried. If you are anything like Shanell all you need is 5 minutes and you are a pro. You got it down like it was no ones business!
And I am not too worried about you not coming to me, because I know before long you will be having Chelsea withdrawals... I know you just can't go anywhere else to experience a few hours with me!!! hahaha