
A Moment of Reflection: Wear Sunscreen

Every couple of years I drag out this video and play it for myself to remind me to appreciate the moment I'm in. I make my kids listen to it as well. If you haven't heard or seen it before listen to the whole thing. Right now I am trying to get in shape, and I look back at photos and one in particular photo was of me on a beach in Mexico, and I distinctly remember that moment thinking I was so fat & hideous so I put jean shorts on over my swimsuit (I was 95 pounds AND four months pregnant). I WOULD KILL to look that "fat & hideous" again. I was going to post the picture but had 2nd thoughts.


**Wear Sunscreen by Buz Luhrmann. And yes, there are longer versions for those that have longer attention spans.


Courtney said...

Thanks for posting that video. I actually enjoyed watching it and the various messages that it spoke of--definitely things to think about and consider. Oh yeah, I have to agree with him on wearing sunscreen. After so many years lifeguarding and teaching swim lessons I know how important that is. I am trying to instill that importance on Carina now.

Shanell said...

I remember when that came out. I love it! Thanks. Who is it by and is there a longer version with more music? I think that is what I remember, but not entirely sure on that. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Yes i am the one doing the posting!! Ha ha she claims she doesn't know how to do it, but more about the Mavis Beacon?? Do you own one for her to use??