"What IDIOT can't figure out how to wash their hair without reading the bottle first?"
"What RETARD can't figure out how to take the lid off a Paint Pen"
THAT retard would be me. (I know, I know....I should not be using that word, but I don't care. So save the preach'n cause I'm not listening)
Anywho...As I stated in the previous post-I STABBED my lip while taking the lid off the pen. I was using my mouth (no, my mom never told me I shouldn't use my teeth to open things) to pry it off and then my arm ricoched back with such force that it went all the way through my lip. I YANKED it back out and blood comes GUSHING down my chin. It Hurt. That was on Sunday afternoon.
I woke up yesterday with a fat lip and it still hurt. But whatever, I'm a tough old broad and have a VERY high pain tollerance. (didn't make a *peep* through any of my 4 childrens pregnancy's or births.)
But then when I woke up today, and my lip was even BIGGER and now hard, I started to FREAK OUT. This is where my whole "I think WAY too much" comes in. I thought of every possible scenario that could go wrong. Can I get a staph infection from this? I'll die. Who will raise my kids. Oh yeah...Bill never got that vascetomy and what if some hussy comes along and traps him after I'm dead.....
And it just goes downhill from there.
So, I figured I better call the doctor and ask him about it. Unlike Emmy & Austin, I have a VERY GOOD doctor. I have an appointment later today. Unless I am carted off for emergency surgery, I will give an update.
On a side note: The paint pens are REALLY quite cool and they have tons of colors. We got them at a Home Expo we went to a few weeks ago. They are for doing Nail Art and I have SO much fun doing the girls toe nails with them. Every weekend I give them pedicures (I'm obsessive about toe polish. If they were flip flops, their toes MUST be done.) and this was a fun, easy way to jazz them up. Last weekend I did a French manicure on Emmy, but I did them as WATERMELONS!!!! OMG... They were TOO cute!

I'm back from the doctor.
He cut the inside of my lip open and "drained" it. And gave me a tetnus shot. I have to go back on Thursday and have it done again.
Here is my be-u-ti-ful lip!

and you people thought I was just being a Drama Queen, uh?
You never fail to amuse. I am laughing out loud reading your post. Yes, I am laughing at you, not with you!!!. Love ya.
Um OUCH!!!! We have all done dumb things. Hope your lip feels better.
I will just reiterate what Julie said--Ouch! That sounds and looks very painful. At least you now know that it will not have to be amputated. On a side note, if you ever need extra practice doing pedicures my toes are always available:)
OMG. Girl, that looks like it hurts! Hope you are feeling better soon.
I open stuff with me teeth all the time. I should rethink my "opening" techniques :)
DUDE... Lana.... your blog never fails to make me laugh. Not that the situation is funny.... but, you explain and nail every detail perfectly...
it cracks me up....
I think our personalities and way of thinking are more alike than I thought! (though, I would be the FIRST to admit that our pain tolerance levels are NO WHERE near the same!)
OWEEE!!! You poor thing! Hope it's getting better quickly!
Okay, that is SO something I would do! Having said that, I must have me some of them pens! We did little stars and stripes on our toes for 4th of July last summer, SO CUTE! Did I mention I NEED those pens? And I will be forewarned about the dangers of the caps!
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