
The Drunken Confessional

Two weeks ago, Bill came home and told me "we" would be having something "businessy" to go to in two weeks. That was him giving me my "official" notice. And then every couple of days since then he's sure to mention it so I won't be able to claim "no knowledge" of said event when it is here and I try not to go. As I've stated before, I have EXTREME social anxiety. I now KNOW that is what's wrong, but knowing it has not curbed it AT ALL. In fact, the older I get, the worse it has gotten. I'm not sure why, and after the fact, I always look back and say "oh that wasn't so bad" but getting me there is another matter altogether.

So, "the thing" is on Saturday, and I am already working myself into a tizzy. Bill tells me it will be fine and that EVERYONE ALWAYS says how much they LOVE ME and how much fun they think I am. But....

I come across as drunk.

But I'm not.

I will give you my most recent example of my anxiety drunkeness. This is a TRUE & ACCURATE recounting. But I have to start with a bit of backstory, (here's your warning it may be a long post.)

Our ward (church congregation) got split 6 months ago. We got a new Bishop (he's kind of like a pastor). We got new callings (church jobs) and all was well.

So about a month ago, we get a call saying the bishop wants to see us. IMMEDIATLY I go into panic/anxiety mode. Why does he want to see us? It can't be about callings cause we just got them. And all these things go racing through my head. So I have 5 days between the phone call to set the appointment up and the actual appointment time. I am a WRECK. (And its not because he's the bishop, its because he's an adult and they FREAK ME OUT & SCARE ME!)

We go to the appointment and everyone shakes hands, says "Hi" and we sit down. IMMEDIATLY I start rattling things off like I'm in a Catholic Confessional Booth. The man had not said one word yet, other than Hi.

I say: (You have to read all this without taking a breath and talk REALLY fast to get the whole affect.)

"Your probably wondering why I'm not going to Sunday School. I go to Sacrament but by time it's done - I'm done. But don't get offended I have A.D.D., I can't sit still that long. I don't even go to the movies. It KILLS me to have to sit that long, so see, it's not a "Church thing" I have a problem with...it's me and the whole sitting still part without doing anything. Unless it's good speakers, than I can usually make it all the way through depending on who's teaching Sunday School. Oh yeah, I also still eat Tiramasu when I go to Sauce even though i know now what's in it. I know I shouldn't, but it's just SO GOOD! Maybe I never should have looked for the recipe online, than I wouldn't have known it has coffee in and could still "technically" eat it guilt free, right? Same with coffee ice cream. I LOVE it. But that's just artificial flavoring, so is that okay or is it bad? If it's bad I don't want to know. But I don't drink coffee, even though I LOVED it, so thats good, right? So, I just eat coffee flavored products. Is that semantics? Also, I probably say things I shouldn't, I'm the sailor in my family, I'm working on it though. Well, not really, but sometimes I THINK about maybe working on it. Oh yeah, I also watch some shows I probably shouldn't watch, but I DVR them and watch them EARLY in the morning when the kids are asleep. The kids don't watch them. But I've been to hell and back so I KNOW what to stay away from and what not to do, so I'm not in danger of being tempted to do those kinds of things, I just find these shows really well written or funny. So yeah. Oh yeah, music too. Same thing, I just listen to it in the car, no kids around. Also, I wear underwear when I go get a massage, so i should get points for that too, right?...

At this point I happen to glance over at Bill who is sitting there just STARRING at me with his mouth kind of open and this very strange look on his face. Then I look at the Bishop who has the EXACT SAME LOOK on HIS face.

I'm all like "What?"

And the Bishop says to me (in kind of a shell-shocked slow paced tone,)
"So... I just wanted to call you in to see how you guys are doing and how you like your callings. And are the older boys going to be around during the summer, do you think they'd like to go to Scout Camp?"




Bill says, "I promise she wasn't drinking before we left the house, I don't know WHAT'S wrong with her."


* * * *

That is the scene EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. When I have to deal with grown-ups, I just get SO ANXIETY ridden that I talk complete & utter non-sense. I sweat uncontrollably and it's just a BIG mess. And the fact that I OVER THINK every little thing doesn't help matters. I can't describe it other than it's kind of like an out of body experience. Like me watching a train wreck but being able to do nothing about it. It's weird and I hate it.

So I have 2 more days of this mental torture, than I will give my "performance."


NOTE: I will probably get paranoid and delete this post after a bit unless I hear from D. or S. that I have nothing to worry about in terms of content. They are my moral compass guides. They could tell me that smoking crack in the corner is totally acceptable and I would consider it gospel.


Denise said...

Like I said before, You really need to post a warning about wearing depends before reading!!! What would I ever do if I didn't have your blog to jump start my morning. Oh, I know, oh wait, others read this blog so I will just keep that thought to myself. Love ya!!!

Lana M. said...

Ummm...So is it okay, or do I need to delete it?

Denise said...

This is CHelsea... I am definitely with Bill on that one!! My mouth was open in shock!!! I loved it it was totally helarious!! I think everyone feels the need to confess when thy go into the office over nothing. Hey on the bright side, atleast we don't have to pay after the confession. Or else, I think you'd be out a lot of money. hehehe. Thanks for making my day.

Denise said...


auburn and chris said...

I am with my Mom on that one...SO funny!

Your descriptions are so right on... I feel like I was in the office with you, my heart was even racing for you!

You seriously should consider writing.... but since you are so descriptive, I would stay away from the romance genre, for your kids' sake :)

Shanell said...

That is just what I needed. I've been to hell and back this week. Avoiding anyone in my family. So, anyways, you are not ridiculous. I totally love, love, love, going out with you guys because you are so fun. Have you not seen or heard me in big goups when I'm trying to be cool. I take pictures with cops in the street and ask GA's to take a picture of me eating lunch. We've all been there and will be there again. But, please, can I come with you to the dinner? I will sit so quietly in the next booth and if it gets out of control, I'll whisper in your ear what to do next! Well, I might not be able to whisper, because I don't think it is physically possible, or because I'll be laughing too hard, but then you'll know to have a real drink! Love, Love, Love, Aunt Lana!

Nikki said...

Don't you dare delete this post - I laughed so hard!! Thanks for the pick-me-up!
(And you'll be great at the dinner!)

Oma said...

I feel like I'm crashing a really great private party here--forgive me! This is ukyankoz's mother and I think this post is just about the funniest thing I have ever read! PLEASE don't delete it! It makes those of us suffering from verbal incontinence feel somewhat less alone!! The next time I find myself unable to stop blabbering incoherently in the Bishop's office, I'll think of you and smile! In the meantime, I wish I could help you--I've heard it said that if you picture people in their underwear it makes them seem less threatening--dunno if that would help but it might be worth a try! ;-)

Annoyed said...

OMG! *snort* I'm sorry, but I'm totally laughing out loud right now. You are so funny!

On a serious note, I have some social anxiety issues myself, so I do understand where you're coming from. My reactions are usually somewhere on the other end of the spectrum, though - I'm extremely quiet and I just sit there and don't talk.

I hope all goes well for you.