

We went to Costco last night. Bill drove my car and forgot to lock it. When he went outside this morning this is what he saw.

Not a good thing to see first thing in the morning.

Bill had taken my car to the car wash Saturday, so it didn't really have anything in there except a box of house stuff. They didn't touch it. But they riffled through my glove box and ripped the TV out. Nice. But they left the headphones...idiots.

I will be SO HAPPY to finally have a garage that our car & truck fit in.


Karen said...

Man that sucks!

Sharpie said...

Now THAT sucks. If it is any consolation, I am taking my hubby's brand new car (of 7 months) into the dealership because the "check engine" light is perpetually on. Yeah. New Car.

Shanell said...

Sick to my stomach for you. Now, I guess you have some ammo for when he gets on you about not locking the car. Payback is a {what do they say?}