
* Costco has these dried mangos that are (in the famous words of crazy Tom Cruise) AMAZING! So much so, that I have downed almost the whole bag this weekend. Now my stomach feels all blaghh.

* We ran over a nail, so I have a flat tire. I'll have to take it to the dealer Monday because when the little thiefs ramsackled my car they took me tire lock key. (I didn't even know I had such a thing until I went to get the tire fixed and they gave me the news, I guess Bill knew and he was told it was in the glove box...)
(After I posted this I proofread it, but I'm leaving in the "me' tire lock key...It makes me feel Irish and goes along with my leprechaun size stature)

* I'm reading THEE funniest chic-lit book, Bitter is the New Black. I'll probably be done with it this afternoon.

* Tonight we are going to watch 27 Dresses, I hope it's good, because I don't think anything is on tonight.

That's all I got. I am lame.


Karen said...

Don't you love Bitter is the New Black? I've got book #2 on my bookmooch list, but nobody's offering it up yet.

Nikki said...

I'll have to check out Bitter is the New Black, I need a good chick-lit read. (And speaking of Irish, if you're ever stuck for a good read, try anything by Marian Keyes, she's GENIUS!)
I don't know if I know everything about the Tom Cruise saga; I know he's due to be on Oprah, but if there's any other craziness, it hasn't crossed the sea yet!

Courtney said...

I LOVE those dried Mangos from Costco. I used to by them all the time but that was back when they were like $6.50. Now they are almost $11. And yes, I too can eat the whole bag and usually do it by myself. You will have to let me know about 27 Dresses because I was thinking of renting it sometime.

Lana M. said...

Karen - I had no idea there was a #2...Yay!!!!

UK- Thanks for the Marian Keyes tip, I looked and she has LOTS of good stuff it seems. I had never heard of her, thanks for the recommendation!

Courtney- You can TOTALLY borrow Bill & his wallet next time you go to Costco. You end up with all kinds of things in your cart that you don't need and normally wouldn't buy. But he pays, so I can't complain.

27 Dresses was cute. I thought it started out a wee bit slow, (but it could've been because I was reading, I don't know....) Definately worth a rental.